Visioning And Master Planning

We bring our expertise in Urban Planning and Urban Design to help you maximize the design and economic potential of your site. We will be your guide, advocate and partner through the process.​ This service also includes developing Small Area and District Plans and Design Guidelines.

Example Work

Culver Rd. retail and mixed-use development, Tuscaloosa, Alabama - site massing and yield study*

Grain of Paradise Ecolodge, Sembehun, Liberia - master planning, site design, architecture, sustainability systems planning.

NE Complex, (sports, recreation and civic district), Gainesville, Florida - programming, master planning, site design and phasing strategy*

Medical Office Building complex, Alachua, Florida - Site design, phasing and alternative analysis*

University of Utah, Price Campus master plan, Price, Utah - Campus master planning, massing, phasing and implementation strategy+

Norman Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida - Norman Hall vicinity site and landscape design*

*Work produced while team member was employed with CHW Inc.

+Work produced while team member was employed with CRSA Inc.

Visioning and master planning are two important processes in urban design that help shape the future of a site, community, corridor, area or district. Visioning often includes workshops, meetings, surveys, and other methods to gather input from stakeholders, identify key issues and opportunities, and develop a shared vision for the future.

Master planning, on the other hand, is the process of creating a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the vision. It typically includes plans, transportation plans, infrastructure plans, and other elements that guide the growth and development of the site or area.